近日,全球最大的建筑媒体 Architizer 公布了 2020 Architizer A+Awards大奖名单,华阳国际原创作品“双檐宛月”成功入围“Showroom Category”展示中心类别,并以极高的人气被40万读者票选为“Popular Choice Winners”大众评审奖。
Architizer A+Awards是全球最大型的奖项之一,由世界最大建筑师网站——Architizer主办,华尔街日报、USA Today等国际知名媒体联合协办,极高的流量使其被《纽约时报》誉为“建筑师的Facebook”,其使命在于推动人们鉴赏全球范围内有意义的建筑,并倡导建筑对日常生活产生的潜在积极影响。
其全球评审团集聚400多位不同领域的领导者,包括知名建筑师、设计师、评论家、记者、房地产开发商等,评审侧重“形态”、“功能”与“创新”三个价值维度对项目进行评价,2020年为Architizer A+Awards的第8个年头。
“双檐宛月”展示中心位于云南腾冲,用地得天独厚,尽览环山美景。建筑设计从艺术大师吴冠中的名作《大宅》中受到启发,希望创作出体现东方建筑意蕴、集腾冲山水之美的独特作品,正所谓“双檐宛月一水间,环山揽园入画中”。The "Shuangyan Wanyue" exhibition center is located in Tengchong, Yunnan, with a unique land and panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. Architectural design was inspired by the masterpiece Wu Guanzhong's masterpiece "Mansion", hoping to create unique works that embody the oriental architectural connotation and gather the beauty of Tengchong mountains and rivers, which is what is called "double eaves, moon and water, surrounded by mountains and gardens."
建筑由倚立的双楼组成,一虚一实,一阴一阳,相承相生。设计借鉴并创新演绎了中国传统建筑屋顶起翘飞檐的形式,南楼傲天,北楼接地,灵动柔美,轻盈飘逸。前庭设一池静水,将双楼、飞檐、幻天、山水倒映其中。The building consists of two towers standing on top of each other. The design borrows and innovates the form of the eaves and eaves on the roof of traditional Chinese architecture. The South Building points to the sky, and the North Building sticks to the ground. It is agile and soft,light and elegant. There is a pool of still water in the forecourt,which reflects the double buildings,cornices,sky,and landscape.
此外,南楼与近景狼牙山的平行相对,最大限度地将葱郁翠绿的山景引入建筑,北楼与南楼轻轻拉开,留出视廊将远处高黎贡山的磅礴美景纳入其间。建筑后院借鉴江南古典园林,游廊环抱,古木水榭,春水满塘,如诗如画。In addition, the south building and the close-up Langya Mountain are parallel to each other, maximizing the lush green mountain views into the building,the north building and the south building aregently pulled apart,leaving a viewing gallery to incorporate the majestic beauty of Gaoligong Mountain in the distance. The backyard of the building draws on chinese traditional classical gardens,surrounded by verandas,ancient wooden water pavilions, and spring water filled ponds.
长源京基御景峯公馆丨华润东莞火炼树&亨美城更 | 皇岗口岸丨龙华竹园产业园丨红山中学丨观澜中学丨二十一中丨莲塘口岸丨龙岗区档案馆丨湾区产业投资大厦丨华润桂林万象城丨深汕科技产业园丨港铁天颂丨宝安妇幼保健院丨遵义会展中心丨中国人寿大厦丨六和城丨润府三期